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Party Time in the Woods 

This is a brilliant way to celebrate a birthday, whilst enjoying and having fun outdoors with your friends or family. 


Within the party you will be able to do a range of  activities, which you can choose from fire lighting, shelter building , tracking, survival skills, team challenges and even crossing a ravine (imaginary of course). You can design your own party tailored  upon the age and needs of the group. This can include styled themed parties such as Minecraft,  Warcraft and Crystalmazecraft. Any other requests  can be arranged.


Parties last from 3 hours  to a full day with or without food.  We offer a meal over the camp fire.  What a great way to finish, not forgetting marshmallows on sticks, it would not be a birthday fire without these fluffy treats! Designer birthday cakes can also be provided on request.


The party will be delivered by trained professional(s) who are DBS checked and qualified in first aid and food hygiene.

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